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I chose this topic for my passion project because I grew up spending my summers at the beach and have developed a strong appreciation for marine life. 


When I found out that human interactions are one of the direct causes of hundreds of millions of animals going extinct, I decided that I wanted to make a difference. A huge part of people not changing their actions in order to save the animals is a lack of knowledge on the matter. I learned what a vaquita was less than a week ago and soon after discovered that there are only about 30 of their kind remaining. When an animal goes extinct, it cannot ever return, and the fact that animals are going extinct and people do not even know about them is saddening and has to be changed. I believe that if enough people realize that gillnetting is killing entire species, and learn more about the impacts that their actions have on this earth as a whole, a change will be made, and we can begin to restore these marine animal populations to what they once were.


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